Friday, June 30, 2006
y is every 1 dieing...they are so am i too....if only i could turn time and change everything..but we can't have everything our way...if only i was a litttle more far sighted to see wat would have happened...our friendship wouldn't have turn out this way...i will never forget that week...pls forgive me...
ben on 10:24 PM

nearly fainted in class...really...not joking the time passes by,it is never known when it is really goodbye
ben on 7:59 PM

Thursday, June 29, 2006
help...don't think u are a super important person...a person who thinks he is a important person is only fooling is patient and be jealous is not true love...true love is to give some 1 never gives up,loses faith,hopeful and always endures every circumstance...special knowledge is lasts forever...
ben on 10:42 PM

if only i had the faith to believe myself if only i had my friend's understanding....i don't noe wat to difficult to trust and yet so easy to trust...i have been a coward i should be a man and stand up to wat i want to fight for...from now...i hope god will give me the courage...
ben on 9:37 PM

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
pls accept my help...
to be Godly is to be humble and gentle and to help to those who are in need.....if only those 2 persons that hurt me the most would not avoid me but accept my help...i think it will turn out to be a perfect relationship...but i noe that God will make it right...maybe they need time...instead of me....
ben on 10:27 PM

sad more than happy
i am hurt yet so happy, hurt by 2 ppl i cherish the most.... no matter wat happens i will love both of them no matter matter how much they hurt me...but yet they are also my sastifaction on earth
ben on 10:06 PM