Thursday, August 31, 2006
dam tired....
just camp back from changi coast yesterday from a camp...went kayaking high elements...was pretty scared up there... haha...and then today had to go bishan cover every door of blk 223 cause it was C.I.P...then had to collect old newspapers and stupid friend keep putting 1 stack after another so arms teacher go take pic some more...
ben on 1:59 PM

Monday, August 07, 2006
cool!!!!!i can't believe this!
today dam tired la......i stayed back in sch for remedial then played legs aching a lot.....anyway if u want super good news!!!this goes out to ppl in my church and christians espicially but non christians can also see....if u want the good news can ask me,john ho,jon has smth to do with sarah yang's message
ben on 10:18 PM

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
had a bad dream last night....the worst in my life....woke at about 4 am then vomited...then couldn't sleep...the next half an hour go toilet again to vomit...omg i feel dam weak now....i vomited 4 times liao...super tired la....everyday i sleep in class....don't no y...i just can't sleep
ben on 9:56 AM

must u really run.....y don't u get god to help u.....don't stress yourself.....but its really up to u....
ben on 9:53 AM