Sunday, October 22, 2006
quite happy
since sat i stayed over with my cousin and parents at hotel intercontinental which is at bugis....then we went to eat at "BILLY BOMBERS"the food was good....but the hot chocolate i ordered was DISGUSTING!!!!then me and harold went walking around bugis and seiyu and discussed abt alot of stuff.....then we went back to the hotel and watche "HBO".When we woke up we set off for early breakfast cause me and harold wanted to go church then we ate like crazy cause the buffet was 75$!!!!and we didn't want to waste money after church i went to harold's house had lunch.....arh!!!!super full man!!!staying at home is boring man....which still got lessons...luckily me and harold are very close so we go out everyday..hahaha...tmw going out again....must try to stay out longer cause once i reach parents will go mad as usual....
ben on 10:02 PM