Friday, January 19, 2007
sry didn't blog yesterday wanted t but got no time coz i had to go back to sch at 7 for debates all the ay until 10.....OH NO!!jgs competition coming up!!!!!i must defintely blog abt lee siew lee's 'speech' she is such a joker man!!!she starte scolding us during assembly for being disrespectful to the teachers and then she asked the sec 1s to raise thier fingers and she pronounced fingers as fingles!!!!it was so funny every 1 started laugh even the teachers!!!then she said whoever is laugh form teachers write thier name but all the teachers were laughing also!!!!!!then she said consider as considel!!!!!!!hahahahaha then after she said "i will dismiss u back to ur classes" every 1 all clapppppp and said"WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"it was so evil and funny la!!!but principal dam angry his face all red actually i'm not sure maybe he also want to laugh but he control it thats y the face red hahaha ok thats all for today
ben on 2:23 PM