Saturday, February 24, 2007
TODAY WAS DAM FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!had cell bonding at guo sheng's house then got games then i kanna forfeit then the forfeit is to decorate ur face with make up and gideon grace and isabel decorated me with a england flag on my faceeeee then lipstick on my lips and drawings all over my face and draw beard also!!!!HAAHAHAHAHAHA then at church during sermon i scratched my head then got dandruff fly on my i show gideon and joshua then gideon thought its my pen then he tried using my pen also but realized the colour different then joshua blow the thing at his face hahahaha.during dinner joanne talk SUPER ALOT but this time although her jokes lame but its very funny hahahahaha first time her joke funny and first time my joke not VERY funny but still funny la hhahaha
ben on 10:09 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007
today was kinda cool.coz ACS(BARKER) won the first round of the competiton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we were against unity sec at montfort!the motion:this house believes that cartoons are negative influences on young children....unity sec had confidence but somehow during the debate,1 of their team member suddenly showed attitude when SHE wanted to say a point of information,yin lee said"hold on maam" and she made a irritated face and every 1 stared at her and started laughing even her own teammates.....when it was her turn to rebutt,blias had a point of information and he went speaking and suddenly the girl said"CAN U STOP WASTING MY TIME AND LETS MOVE ON TO MY NEXT POINT".its like wth la!!!!in the end my team won!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!coz their team member seriously got attitude
ben on 11:53 PM

SUX LIKE SHIT LA!!!!!!!i had sch first period was PE!!!!!
that sucks totally la
coz the teacher is crazy.he make us run around the court 50 times and then make us do dam
a lot of running then he make us in push up position for 1 hour!!!!and if any 1's knees fall to the ground they must go to the wall and do half squat and then u stretch out
ur hands and pretend u riding a motorbike and u must count freaking loud if not go back to 0!!but lucky i hold there i couldn't even move in the first place my body was dam numb one of my friend fainted
wat a lousy teacher!then after that got science test la then stupid HOD thought we slowly walk.its like dam obvious the previous teacher hold us back la!so we had no recess after sch finish
liao no lunch
coz got GEOG LESSON by right its from 2.30 to 4.30 but become 2-6!!!!!!!! then after that got debates after debates i was dam freaking tired and hungry!!!!!!!!so i got a slight fever now and later i got DEBATES COMPETITION!
yay its at
hougang ave 8 against
montfort its near church!!!!
tmw another debates competition.....
siannnn that's all will blog more next time...
ben on 2:55 PM

Saturday, February 03, 2007
today dam funny la especially jasper!!!!!!!!!!!me and gideon were going projection while he was doing sound then we saw this toy revolver gun on the table so that time got honouring of leaders as they clapped gideon press the triger then got sound come out then jasper went"stop playing computer games la" when on the com there was no game and the gun was in front of his face!!!!THEN ME AND GIDEON LAUGH LIKE MAD LA!!!!!!then we found a tin of sweets and a whole packet of yupi!!!!!!!and we finished it!!!!! so we were feasting ourselves while doing projection dam funny!!!!!!!!
ben on 10:16 PM