Wednesday, May 30, 2007
ok my blog is kinda dead so i'm trying to make it alive........well lets started on friday we went to bintan and took the ferry. igot sea sickness problem meannig i will my 2 friends sitting next to me said ...if u vomit i will also vomit i cannot see other ppl's i said lets all vomit together.but luckily i had a pill to stop it.well we camped in a jungle lots of centipedes and 2 we did amazing dam boring....but dragon boating was pretty fun and becoz it was a race ...i row until got 3 ..we had mountainclimbing....not bad not bad the climb...the first part was dam straight and suddenly it went up like a straight stick so we had to use a rope.....i fell about 7 times...i was the first to reach the the going down part was difficult...coz it was raining so there was a mudslide....and guess what the rope snapped........but we were determined becoz ou reward is the waterfall....we finally reached the waterall after 4 hours.... at first the water fall is dam clean then every 1 jump in become 4 we went bac to singapore.....overall the camp sux........but went i came maid said gt special ic cream delivery from her friend....i was like wth for she noe me meh? but its actually a surprise from my parents...drumset......i waited for that for ummmm1 and a half i was pretty shocked...and i didn't expect it o cost 5k....bought it at swee lee good sale there...i missed sonic edge ...i wonder what it was like.
ben on 8:18 AM