Sunday, August 31, 2008
I have done everything humanly possible. I have done my best and still planinng to do so. But how much can i do? There's not much more i can do left. Its your decision... and somethings are beyond my control but i know ALL things are in God's control. and I trust You God and i also trust you that you will make the best decision even though i do not know what your confusion is about.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Hahaha i feel like sharing what i shared for devotions. Should i should i? ok i juz go for it lah.. it starts now....and mind you i didnt prepare a script. I just wrote everything in point form haha. hahaha i juz asked God to speak the word of His spirit and not mine.
Good morning school, today as it is teacher's day, I would like to give a word of encouragement to all the teachers.
Sometimes as teachers, you feel that you have not impacted the lives of students and you have not well enough.
Teachers, I would like to share with you a verse which is from 1 Corinthians 2:9
"No eye has seen, No ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him"
Sometimes as human, our minds are so infinite that we just cannot contain what God has prepared for us.
I would like to take an example from the bible and that is Jesus.
Even though he was the son of God, he was also known as Rabbi which means teacher.
Even though he was the son of God, each day he would seek God in prayer praying for wisdom and strength.
This goes to show that the ultimate teacher is God.
Teachers, dun give up becoz the disciples that Jesus chose were all either uneducated men, fishermen or tax collecters.
Lets take a look at Matthew's life.
Before Jesus met him he was merely a tax collector.
After jesus saw him, Jesus said" Get up and follow me" and Matthew did.
It was because of the love of God that Jesus had taught him that he was changed to someone opposite.
Students, lets give thanks for the teachers that have worked so hard this year :) *claps claps*
I would like to leave off a verse which is from Isaiah 40:31."But those who wait for the lord will get new strength. They will get wings like eagles. In running they will not be tired. In walking they will have no weariness.
Lets bow down our heads in a word of prayer..
I mean like talking to 1400 ppl is kinda scary -.- haha
I prayed to God like crazy hahaha and well it was a success more than what i expected.
After devotion my teacher came up to me asking me what church i was from. haha
Then another teacher came and say "OMG REUBEN ZHU?! U DID THE DEVOTION I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT WAS YOU!" and he asked me to "next time take the whole chapel service"-.- hahaha but i told him i will only do worship so yup. leading worship in two weeks time.
Walle? EXELLENT MAN. Go watch it Go Go Go.
It made me cry three times *sniffys* ahah
You go watch then you will know why XD.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles: in the knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting; and waiting gives experience ; and experience, hope: and hope does not put to shame; because our hearts are full of the love of God through the Holy spirit which is given to us. Romans 5: 3-5
How love has changed me:)
no matter what you choose i will still love you :) hahai guess thats what love is about. :)
I will choose not to be worried. I will choose happiness.
I will choose what is best.
I will choose to follow what God intends for me, not letting people guide me.
Instead, I will let God guide me.
I will wait for you even though it may be long.
Casting my burdens upon the Lord.
I believe in You :)
I believe God will guide you in your confusion.
Love overcomes everything.
It changes us.
Changes for what we used to be to be someone better.
It is always for the best, never the worse.
For i know strongly what i believe in will come true.
For the Lord knows my heart as he knows yours.
The love of the Lord showed me the truth.
The love of the Lord has given me courage.
The love of the Lord has given me strength.
As a elder's child, people have expectations of me.
When I do something wrong, they seem to look down on me before even considering i'm just human.
I always wanted to be someone else because of the expectations.
Its because of love, I can now see truth.
I no longer live in fulfilling expectations of men.
Instead, I live in expectations of God.
For when i follow that path, nothing can go wrong.
For am i now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galations 1:10
It was a wonder why i accepted and said yes to friday.
But i did because i felt something urging me to.
I have always been someone who give up easily.
Now i am not. Its because of love. Love is God.
If love can change me, love can change each one of you too :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
im still awake....I'm sad. Tried not to be but was only forcing it...
I'm trying to surrender to God but its one of the hardest things i ever had to do.
But i am going to do it. i will. i promise.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Your Love Style is Agape |
![]() You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner. Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare. You are willing to sacrifice your world for your sweetie. Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you. For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. |
kinda true..
You Are 36% Emo |
![]() You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy. |
ya maybe..
You Are 26% Evil |
![]() A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
hmm i dunno hahaha maybe so..
Your Power Color Is Magenta |
![]() At Your Highest: You energize yourself and push others to succeed. At Your Lowest: You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed. In Love: You are surprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet. How You're Attractive: Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you. Your Eternal Question: "What is my next source of inspiration?" |
yup pretty true
Your Inner Color is Purple |
![]() Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great. You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a partner who sees your vision and adopts it as their own. Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician. |
right this one is a bit screwed up -.- haha
Your Element Is Fire |
![]() Your passion and emotion are as obvious as the brightest flame. You make sparks fly, and your passion always has the potential to burst out. You are exciting and creative - and completely unpredictable. You sometimes exercise control, and sometimes you let yourself go. Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive. Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many. |
haha ya kinda true XD mysterious .. hmm maybe moody ya i think so haha.
You are Milk Chocolate |
![]() A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. |
yes true...
What Your Face Says |
![]() At first glance, people see you as confident and determined. Overall, your true self is passionate and physical. With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react. In love, you seem mysterious and interesting. In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic. |
well everything is true except the last one.. but i am kinda changing to be like the last one le :) for God, her and myself.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Feeling super alone... really alone. God pls come and take this loneliness away from me :(
I wish you would talk soon..><
well ok on to the bright side... i am not going to be what ppl expect me to be juz becoz i am an elder's child.
Even sp's son wants to leave becoz of this expectation thing...
I wish sometimes i wasn't an elder's child.
Then again, I was meant to be one.
I'm just going to be myself. You know elders... you can gossip and say as much as u want abt me and the ppl i am with.. but i'm not going to let ur words affect me. Whatever expectation you have of me.. i have my own.
This is meant for you as well.
I don't want to be alone... not again.
I don't want to be the same person i was before, using a mask to cover my face.
No, I am different. Believe me this time if you havent for the past few times.
I really am.. God its all in your hands...
I'm not worried abt the situation anymore but i am lonely yes i am.
I don't want to be feeling it again because i have been experiencing it long enough.
Too many years to hold.. get away from me. i just want to be happy again.
I am happy.. but there's something missing.
I am happy.. but its a happiness that sometimes i force.
Pls come back :( i miss us.. not just you. I missed who i used to be. So happy and carefree.. i miss the times you talked.. i miss you. :( alot..
Friday, August 22, 2008
haiz.. how empty can i get? ><how much more can i take? ><
how long more can i wait? ><
i'm empty, unhappy. When will this end? how much does one have to pay for his mistake?
Yet, i feel joy. i'm not sure how to explain it.. but its like love overcoming everything.
im so empty without you. yet i feel joy like i'm more than 100% sure that things are gonna be alright.
Almost everything has changed. Life is full of changes.
But some never change.
The love of the Father never changes :)
The love i have for her becoz i made that decision to carry on :)
Love is patient.(how true)
Though many things seems to have changed for the worse, i'm glad God answered my prayer.
It was not the way i expected it to be but God always does smth special for each one of us :)
This period is painful. Full of emptiness.
But this is where i will seek God in humility.
If you ever read this, though i noe its quite a low chance you will, i have one thing to say..
I noe i have made mistakes but juz listen this time.
"Believe me". This time i really am different. If you don't believe me let me show you with actions not just words of my mouth. :) Im sure things will be alright :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Father, thank you for today. Thank you that for the past few days i have been learning more and more how to become patient. Though this is a painful process, i know its in Your hands and i noe that when this test is done i will come out a stronger person, and a more patient one. Thank you for giving me all the talents like in my music, and in my sports and various speaking skills. I just pray that as my exams are coming nearer, i pray for wisdom. And through my exams i will not do it juz for others and myself but i will do it for Your glory so that people will start to know you as God. I commit everything to you especially during this period of time. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.
haha today was pretty fun^^ we played floor ball and my team won 7 times in a row. it was a case of winner in loser out it was pretty funny. coz when my teacher saw we keep winning he helped the other team. then he went to sort the sticks for a while during the game. the moment he went to sort the sticks we scored again then he gave us he shock face XD might be proposing a new cca. but otherwise if not for floorball everything is the same... results improving :D.. and still waiting >< but i noe one day it will be alright :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Painful sacrifice :(
The sacrifices i have to make juz to make things right... the pain i have to go through to pay for my mistakes.. hope it can all end soon.. in positive view.. i'm a more patient person now. in positive view, i am being confident like who i used to be. in positive view, i have let go of my pride. in positive view i am not so pessimistic which i usually am. hope this works... some things are beyond my control but i can influence the things around me by the smallest things i do. This time its in God's hands. It always have been, still is and always will be.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
alright back here to post XD. ok nth much but i can't wait for the sept holidays! sleeping over at becky's house hahaha XDXD maybe will sleep talk again -.- hahaha:):) oh and my results have been improving XDXD i got 15/15 for geog test muahahaha. hmm but sadly things are not completely ok yet. i'm still waiting haha and i will wait as long as it needs :) hehe yup thats all. hehe all my posts all very short one
Thursday, August 14, 2008
lets see if this works
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm trying to be happy as much as i can. its juz a little while.. you can do it ben :) you can you can. :)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
i guess not... ><
Sunday, August 03, 2008
hahaha ok i got back the inspiration i guess ^^ anyway life's been great man especially after ministry from God. yup great^^ nth really much lah today but its juz great to have such understanding friends yup yupI'm glad we're ok now^^