Friday, February 09, 2007
today was kinda cool.coz ACS(BARKER) won the first round of the competiton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we were against unity sec at montfort!the motion:this house believes that cartoons are negative influences on young children....unity sec had confidence but somehow during the debate,1 of their team member suddenly showed attitude when SHE wanted to say a point of information,yin lee said"hold on maam" and she made a irritated face and every 1 stared at her and started laughing even her own teammates.....when it was her turn to rebutt,blias had a point of information and he went speaking and suddenly the girl said"CAN U STOP WASTING MY TIME AND LETS MOVE ON TO MY NEXT POINT".its like wth la!!!!in the end my team won!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!coz their team member seriously got attitude
ben on 11:53 PM