Sunday, March 25, 2007
hi every 1...cell bonding was DAM FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we had dinner after YA yea i'm a very good organizer ok! i bought a big plate of rojak for every 1 lor....after that was free time....we had games and jamming....u noe what after that free time it was anther free time again so we went to bath and go supper and stuff la then came back talk until abt 12...then some of us and aruwana were talking in the pantry until abt 3 then we talk abt our personal life then some of them got freaked out and stuff HAHAHAHA then in the morning we wanted to go macs but changed our minds so we stayed in 302 and talked then james and vanessa went to children church then i startd getting high(AS USUAL) and started acting as auntie susan and said "for ur loud cheer every body shall get 6 stamps today!!!!!!!!!!!" then i act as steve from blue clues hahahahahaha and we dance YOUNG ARROWS hahahahhaa cannot tah han too funny and when i was changing(coz i hot) then suddenly the door open and i was like"SHIT!!!!!!!!" luckily i was changing near the sofa so when the door opened i jump over the sofa and luckily another didn't come by the front door thanks to my pro acrobatic skills i wasn't seen hahahaaha joshua and samuel noes smth secret abt my acrobatic skills especially my DIVING
ben on 3:53 PM